Friday, June 08, 2007

Neuroendocrine list discusses Lightning Process

Due to the interesting and positive results people are having with some neurocognitive therapies for CFS, particularly the Lightning Process, I have started moderating a Yahoo list that discusses this type of therapy. The list also discusses endocrinological aspects of CFS, which seem closely related to the fight-flight hypothesis I wrote about in 2005. The list is available at:
Here is a brief description of the topics discussed on this list.

From the Yahoo group CFSFMNeuroendocrine: "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and related conditions involve disturbances in the primary regulatory mechanisms of the body. This usually includes hypothalamic dysfunction, thyroid problems, adrenal exhaustion and immune imbalances. Detoxification errors are also common, along with chronic infections, all contributing to an overload on endocrine and immune system resources."

"The purpose of this group is to help members better understand the neuroendocrine involvement in their conditions. The group is an open forum for topics related to neurological, endocrine, immune, detox and similar elements of CFS and FMS type conditions. For example, informational or treatment topics related to the brain, adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system, immune response, energy regulation, circadian rhythms, related emotional and cognitive processes, etc. This includes discussion of how suspected pathologies, environmental toxins, electromagnetic disturbances, and other relevant biological or behavioral problems influence the bodies of people with CFS, FMS, MCS and related illnesses."

The Links section of the list contains useful information for those studying the Lightning Process, along with Neuroendocrine views of CFS.

Read more!